We invite you to become a sponsor for the upcoming FCDA Annual Training Conference. This Conference focuses on Building Strong Communities in Florida while providing practical and timely information to community and economic development practitioners around the state.
The Florida Community Development Association (FCDA) is asking your help to sponsor the upcoming FCDA Annual Training Conference.
This important Training Meeting has historically provided important information to Florida housing and economic development practitioners to improve communities. Armed with the information presented at the Meeting these practitioners have come away better prepared to help households avoid pitfalls and take greater responsibility in their communities. They work in concert with government, non-profit organizations, financial institutions and other in the private sector to increase the numbers of persons able to purchase homes, and participate more broadly in investment and commerce. As more residents become stake-holders by owning homes and businesses they will increase their contributions to local economies helping to stabilize, sustain, and expand the sense of community, and improve the overall quality of life for all residents.
Your sponsorship support helps keep the costs down and to bring in experts for the Training Meeting. We are in this struggle together to develop and enhance our Florida communities. We recognize the amount of work it will take to achieve the progress required to move us forward…and resolve to play a major part in helping communities realize their greatest potential.
Thank you for your support and for being a partner with us.
Sincerely, Felicia Crosby-Rucker, FCDA President
Cheryl Howell, Executive Director
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